February 18, 2023 ZOOM Meeting

Different types of judging and evaluations offered at various car shows.
Your Fiero looks pretty good! You’ve fixed a few problems, washed and waxed it, and even put shiny tire dressing on the tires and kept most of it off your hands and clothing. But at the end of the car show, you’re sitting on the sidelines when the awards are passed out, and end up going home empty handed.
What does it take to get your car ready for award status? Attention to detail and long hours of preparation are needed to make every part of your car look new, and knowing where to detail your Fiero can help in reducing the number of point deductions on the judge’s score sheet. These insights are especially useful if you are planning to attend the 40th Anniversary Celebration this July.
NIFE member Fred Bartemeyer, Jr is very active in the Fiero community and owns several low mileage, factory original Fieros, including numerous Fiero prototypes. He is a lifelong member of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) as a Senior Master Judge, Certified Team Captain, Accredited Chief Judge, and Assistant Chairman of the Historic Preservation of Original Features Class. Fred started his judging career as a young kid at the local ISCA Hot Rod show and has participated in the judging systems of numerous organizations including POCI, NCRS, Bloomington Gold, CCCA, several Concours Events, and has administered the judging evaluations at the Fiero Anniversary Celebration shows since the 25th.
During this meeting, Fred will discuss the different types of judging and evaluations offered at various car shows. Judge’s responsibilities, considerations, and disciplines will also be discussed as to how it relates to the different types of judging criteria. Both stock and modified Fieros will be addressed to help clarify the basis of how each category is evaluated.

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