November 19, 2022 ZOOM Meeting

Getting your Fiero ready for a cross county drive
Ready for the road?  Going on a weekend cruise or to a local car show is not the same as a long, cross-country road trip. As many of us consider attending the Fiero 40th Anniversary event next year in Pontiac, MI, gaining some peace of mind that everything will hold up would be priceless.
Our presenter will be Jon Miller of Tuckerton, NJ who is an ASE Certified Mechanic and has an independent automotive repair business. He has owned and restored many Fieros over the years, has been in the automotive parts business, and is well known as “Fiero Jon” in the Fiero community.
Check out Jon’s website at
 Jon will explain some of the vulnerable components of a Fiero and show us how to inspect them.
Some of these parts may still be original from the factory on your car, and Jon will show us if they
are still up to their task. Even if you have problems corrected professionally, this meeting will
give you a better understanding of the issues and will help you more effectively communicate
with your mechanic.

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